

AirFree Baby Air 專利空氣消毒殺菌機


Airfree BabyAir

Airfree BabyAir - Silent, Small, and Maintenance Free. Reduces Mold, Dustmites, and Other Allergens, with Dimmed Ceiling Light Projection, No Hepa Needed.

Airfree BabyAir 40 空氣消毒殺菌機

Airfree 空氣殺菌機無須保養且完全無聲運作,採用獨家TSS 技術還可降低室內的臭氧危害程度。 建議用於172 ft2 以下房間。 歐洲製造。

Airfree Babyair 60親子空氣殺菌機

新品上市☆獨家專利TSS技術. Airfree Babyair 60親子空氣殺菌機. 廠商出貨: 本商品由廠商出貨不受24h到貨限制.

Airfree Babyair 80親子空氣殺菌機

新品上市☆獨家專利TSS技術. Airfree Babyair 80親子空氣殺菌機. 廠商出貨: 本商品由廠商出貨不受24h到貨限制.

Airfree Babyair air purifier for baby's room

Airfree Babyair air purifier is the perfect fit for your baby's room. Insure that your child breathes clean and pollutant-free air to keep them healthy.

Airfree Babyair air purifier for baby's room

Airfree Babyair air purifier is the perfect fit for your baby's room. Hold airborne microbes and contaminating particles at bay to keep your child healthy.

Airfree BabyAir Purifier

Airfree BabyAir Purifier gets rid of up to 99.99% of bacteria, fungi, viruses, pollen, pet allergens, dust mite allergens and other organic air pollutants.


Airfree Babyair Filterless Air Purifier, 100% Silent, Stars Night Light Projection. Airfree Babyair is designed to help improve children's quality of sleep ...

Babyair Air Purifier

本機型提供獨特的夜光星空投影,營造出愉快舒適的互動環境。 有效範圍, 6 - 10 坪.